Khia the Riveter
Thank you for checking out my site! I hope
you like the goods. My name is Khia. I’m the designer, web person, shipper and all things essential for my project 'The 1998 Deck'. I know this page is supposed to be “About Me”, but I’d like to talk about my work instead. I’m so closely aligned with the messages that I put into my art. Plus the decks are way more interesting. 😜

I hope you enjoy playing with the decks as much as I enjoyed drawing them. And just so you know…I added these photos of celebrities not to name drop ( I’m name dropping), but to remind you all that only TALENTED, SEXY people love The 1998 Deck. And I can tell by the way you clicked on this About Page that you’re Talented and Sexy too. So go ahead and cop…you won’t regret it

I met Jidenna at Art Basel in Miami! He got the
'Ether' and 'Takeover' Decks.
All of my designs pay homage to ‘The Golden Era’ of hip hop. Hopefully you catch some of the hidden concepts in the artwork. I.E.: Did you catch the references? The nods to iconic movies like ‘Coming to America’ or ‘Juice’? The iconography of Nigerian Gods, Mardi Gras Culture or 20s gangsters? If not, feel free to take another look. I hope that left enough there for you to discover something new every time you play.

1) The deck series is love letter to my undergrad Hampton University. In between cram sessions we played spades and we listened to the artists featured in these cards. The whole series takes me back.
2) I thought to myself “Since traditional playing cards mimic medieval war, wouldn’t it be cool if people could play out some of the most epic ‘wars’ in hip hop history; right in their own homes?”.
It would be Biggie vs Pac, Jay vs Nas, Foxy vs Kim...You could talk trash during your next spades game while cutting books with your favorite rapper?

The King of Wakanda ( The late Chadwick Boseman) buys the Who Shot Ya? deck from Moods Music in Atlanta. #RIP 😥
3) People under-estimate the global impact of hip hop and the intelligence of it’s stars. Many of your favs are gifted and have literally tested at a genius level intellect. These people changed the world and they look just like you do! It’s important that my community understand that this is what passion and focus looks like when it develops through adversity. As 2pac said we are "The Rose that grew from Concrete". Don't downplay it. I believe pop culture spreads messages subliminally, but more powerfully than today’s news feature. So there are message of 'community love' in these decks.

Much Love from the 'Team' 😘